
Imaging datasets


As data sharing practices are steeply increasing, we need the help of the scientific community to keep this table up-to-date. We encourage all readers to further contribute to this table with their own or other relevant datasets.

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DatasetSubjects, N PopulationAge Range, yearsPutative MarkerTracerTracer Infusion ProtocolData ReconstructionT1T2T2*SWIpdFLAIRDWI / DTIrs-fMRIt-fMRIDSCDCEASLMRAEEGMEGDATscanNon-processed (recon + AC)Processed (any step past recon + AC)Ready for Statistical Analyses (quantified)Data AccessLinkAdditional Information
Dallas Lifespan Brain Study 147HC30-89Amyloid burdenFlorbetapirBIStaticxxYesNoNodirectly accessible
FDG-PET/CT data of healthy volunteers and patients with disorders of consciousness35HC, DoC19-70Glucose metabolismFDGBIStaticYesYesNodirectly accessible
Mesolimbic dopamine D2 receptors and neural representations of subjective value25HC18-24D2 receptorsFallyprideBIDynamicxxxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
Monash DaCRA fPET-fMRI15HC18-20Glucose meatabolismFDGBI, CI, BI+CIDynamicxxYesNoNodirectly accessible
Monash rsPET-MR27HC18-21Glucose meatabolismFDGCIDynamicxxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
Monash vis-fPET-fMRI10HC18-48Glucose meatabolismFDGCIDynamicxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
[11C]PS13 demonstrates pharmacologically selective and substantial binding to cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) in the human brain11HCCOX-1PS13bolusDynamicxYesNoNodirectly accessible
First-in-human evaluation of [11C]PS13, a novel PET radioligand, to quantify cyclooxygenase-1 in the brain16HC22-54COX-1PS13bolusDynamicxYesNoNodirectly accessible
Positron emission tomography (PET) quantification in healthy humans of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a potential biomarker of neuroinflammation27HC22-56COX-2 MC1bolusDynamicxYesNoNodirectly accessible
Evaluation of microglia activation related markers following a clinical course of TBS: a non-human primate study11Non-human primatesTSPOPBR28YesNoNodirectly accessible
NIMH - Rates of cerebral protein synthesis in stages of sleep18HC19-27Cerebral protein synthesisL-[1-11C]leucineCIDynamicxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
NIMH - Rates of cerebral protein synthesis and memory formation during sleep35HC18-28Cerebral protein synthesisL-[1-11C]leucineCIDynamicxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
NIMH - Effects of propofol anesthesia on rates of cerebral protein synthesis10HC20-24Cerebral protein synthesisL-[1-11C]leucineCIDynamicxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
NIMH - Rates of cerebral protein synthesis in subjects with fragile X syndrome28HC18-24Cerebral protein synthesisL-[1-11C]leucineCIDynamicxYesYesYesdirectly accessible
ADNI - Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative1958HC, SMC, MCI, ADD55-98Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, Florbetapir, Florbetaben, FlortaucipirBIStaticxxxxxxxYesYesYessimple applicationhttps://ida.loni.usc.edu
Argentina-Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ARG-ADNI)56HC, MCI, ADD55-90Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, PiBBIStaticxxxxYesYesNosimple application
Associazione Italiana Medicina Nucleare (AIMN)155HC22-84Glucose meatabolismFDGBIStaticYesNo Nosimple application
Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL)1685HC, MCI, ADD60-90Amyloid burden, Tau burdenPiB, NAV4694, Florbetapir, Florbetaben, Flutemetamol, MK620BIStaticxNoNoYessimple application (detailed application might be required depending on data requested)
Department of Defense Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI-DOD)277 HC, MCI, TBI, PTSD (Vietnam veterans)60-88Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFlorbetapir, FlortaucipirBIStaticxxxxxYesYesYessimple applicationhttps://ida.loni.usc.edu
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration neuroimaging initiative (FTLDNI/NIFD)29FTLD46-72Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, PiBBIStaticxxxxxxYesNoNosimple application
International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM) - Altanserin10HC19-335-HT2A ReceptorsAltanserinBIDynamicxxxxxxxxYesNoNosimple application
Open Access Series of Imaging Studies- 3 (OASIS-3)777HC, SCC, MCI, ADD42-95Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, PiB, FlorbetapirBIDynamicxxxxxYesYesYessimple applicationhttps://www.oasis-brains.org
Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) 127HC, SWEDD, PD34-85VMAT2 transpoter, Amyloid burden[18F]AV-133, FlorbetabenBIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxYesNoNosimple application
Predictors of Cognitive Decline Among Normal Individuals (BIOCARD)168HC, MCI, impaired (not MCI), dementia20-73Amyloid burdenPiBBIDynamicxxYesNoYessimple application
PREVENTAD126HC - enriched for AD risk factors68-83Amyloid burden, Tau burden[18F]NAV4694, FlortaucipirBIStaticxxxxxYes (ongoing)Yes (ongoing)Yessimple application
Age-Well136HC, SCC, MCI, ADD20-85Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG-PET, FlobetapirBIStaticxxxxxYesNoYesdetailed application
AIVO4339HC, PD, obesity, schizophrenia, depression, other18-90Glucose metabolism, Perfusion, Amyloid burden, DA synthesis, D1 receptors, D2 receptors, D2/D3 receptors, DA transporter, 5HT1A receptor, 5HT transporter, u-opioid receptors, NeuroinflammationFDG, H2O, PiB, Flutemetamol, DOPA, NNC112, Reclopride, FLB457, CFT, WAY-100635, MADAM, Carfentanil, PK11195, PBR28BIDynamicYes Yes Yes detailed application (requires approval of EC)
Alzheimer´s Disease Repository without Borders (ARWIBO) 60HC, SCC, MCI, ADD, FTLD, PD, major depression48-85Glucose metabolismFDGBIStatic
xxxxYesNoYes detailed application
Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API) ADAD Colombia Trial242HC (non-carriers and carriers of an ADAD mutation)30-60Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, FlorbetepirBIStaticxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
AMyloid imaging for Phenotyping LEwy body dementia (AMPLE)77HC, ADD, DLB60+Amyloid burdenFlorbetapirBIStaticxxxYesNoYes detailed application
APOE E4 Arizona Dose Programme447HC - enriched for ADD risk factors20 - 87 Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, PIB, Florbetapir, Flortaucipir,BIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA)228HC, MCI, ADD55-90+Amyloid burden, Tau burdenPiB, FlortaucipirBIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (CIMBI)906HC, MCI, ADD, PD, Depression (MDD; Perinatal depression; Familial predisposition to major depression; Seasonal Affective Disorder), Substance abuse (MDMA and/or hallucinogens; other stimulants, including alcohol and tobacco), Obesity, Aggression, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Migraine18-86Amyloid plaques, 5HT1A receptor, 5-HT1B receptor, 5-HT2A receptor, 5-HT4 receptor, 5-HT transporter, GABA-A receptorPïB, CUMI-101, AZ10419369, Altanserin, Cimbi-36, SB207145, DASB, FlumanezilBI, BI+CI (Altanserin)Partly Static/Partly DynamicxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
Cognitive Health in Ageing Register: Investigational, Observational and Trial Studies in Dementia Research: Prospective Readiness Cohort Study (CHARIOT PRO SubStudy)938HC60-85Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFlorbetapir, Flutemetamol, Flortaucipir, MK6240 BINAxxxxxxxNoYesdetailed application
Czech Brain Aging Study (CBAS)450SCC, MCI, Dementia, subjects with vascular risk factors, subjects with psychiatric comorbidity50-85Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG; Flutemetamol, FlorbetabenBIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxxYesYesYes (ongoing)detailed application
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) (observational study)556HC, MCI, ADD (autosomal dominant)18-69Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, PiBBIDynamicxxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU)249HC, MCI, ADD (autosomal dominant)21-72Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, PIB, Florbetapir, FlortaucipirBIDynamicxxxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
European Medical Information Framework for Alzheimer's disease (EMIF-AD) 90+ study122HC, MCI, ADD>85Amyloid burdenFlutemetamolBI Partly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxxNoNoYesdetailed application
European Medical Information Framework for Alzheimer's disease (EMIF-AD) Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study (MBD)180HC50-80Amyloid burdenFlutemetamol--xxxxNoNoYesdetailed application
European Medical Information Framework for Alzheimer's disease (EMIF-AD) PreclinAD study272HC60-95Amyloid burdenFlutemetamolBIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxxxNoNoYesdetailed application
Flemish Prevent AD Cohort KU Leuven (F‐PACK) 225HC50-80Amyloid burden, Tau burdenPiB, Flutemetamol, AV1451 , MK6240 BIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application (requires approval of EC)contact: rik.vandenberghe@uzleuven.be
for Alzheimer and Families (ALFA)+ Study361HC, SCC - enriched for AD risk factors45-65Amyloid burdenFlutemetamolBIStaticxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application!
Fundació ACE Healthy Brain Initiative (FACEHBI)200SCC51-86 Amyloid burdenFlorbetabenBIStaticxxxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application (requires approval of EC)
Geriatrics- UniPg PET dataset106HC, SCC, MCI, ADD53-86Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, FlorbetabenBIStaticxxxxYesYesYesdetailed applicationcontact:
Harvard Aging Brain Study (HABS)290HC62-90Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, PiB, FlortaucipirBIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxxNoNoYes detailed application
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG)603HC, SCD, MCI, Dementia28-92 Glucose metabolism Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, florbetapir, flutemetamol, flortaucipir BIStaticxxxxxxxYesNoNodetailed application
IMAP+ (Multimodality Imaging of Early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease)230HC, SCC, MCI, ADD20-85Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG-PET, FlobetapirBIStaticxxxxYesNoYesdetailed application
International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM) - FDG-PET 28HC, MCI, ADD29-92Glucose metabolismFDGBIStaticxxxYesNoNodetailed applicationcontact:
Japanese Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (J-ADNI)344HC, MCI, ADD60-85Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, PiB, BF227BIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxNoYesYesdetailed application
Knight Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center (Knight ADRC)1142HC, MCI, ADD34-100Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, PIB, Florbetapir, FlortaucipirBIDynamicxxxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
Korean Brain Aging Study for the Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Alzheimer's disease (KBASE)643HC, MCI, ADD25-90Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, PiB, FlortaucipirBIStaticxxxNoNoYes detailed application
Leiden – Alzheimer Research Nederland (LeARN)154SCD, MCI, dementiaNA (mean: 65)Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, PiBBIStaticxNoYesYesdetailed applicationcontact: r.ossenkoppele@amsterdamumc.nl
Mayo Clinical Study of Aging2245HC, MCI, dementia30-90+Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burden, Tau burdenFDG, PiB, FlortaucipirBIDynamicxxxxxxxxNoYesYesdetailed application
MEMENTO: a cohort of outpatients from French research memory centers in order to improve knowledge on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders1583SCC, MCINA (mean: 72)Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, Florbetapir, FlutemetamolBINAxxxxxYesYesYesdetailed application
Milan Cohort596SCC, MCI, dementia (ADD, FTLD, DLB)39-88Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, FlorbetabenBIStaticxxxxYesNoYesdetailed applicationcontact:;
National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) [based on the NACC Query System as of the March 2021 data freeze]455HC, MCI, impaired (non-MCI), dementia44-98Amyloid burdenPiB, Florbetapir, Florbetaben, FlutemetamolBIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxYesNoNodetailed application
Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis (PESA-CNIC-Santander study)547Asymptomatic middle-aged participants from the Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis (PESA) study with evidence of subclinical atherosclerosis41-58Glucose metabolismFDGBIStaticYesYesYesdetailed application
Samsung Medical Center Amyloid PET Cohort (SMC Amyloid PET) 3000HC, SCC, MCI, ADD, SVCI21-97Amyloid burdenPiB, Florbetaben, FlutmetamolBIStaticxxYesNoYesdetailed application
The Incidence of Cognitive Impairment in Cohorts with Longitudinal Evaluation-PD (ICICLE-PD)99HC, PD, PD-MCI54-91Glucose metabolismFDGBIStaticYesYesNodetailed application
Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention (WRAP)380HC - enriched for AD risk factors46 -81Amyloid burden, Tau burdenPiB, MK6240BIDynamicxxxxYesYesYesdetailed applicationhttps://wrap.wisc.edu
Diagnostic Molecular Imaging (DiMi)238HC, MCI, ADD43-87Amyloid burdenPiBBIStaticxYesYesYesbilateral agreement (access varying depending on center responsible for acquisition)contact:;
European Alzheimer's Disease Cosortium (EADC)1114HC, SCC, MCI, pseudo-dementia, ADD, FTLD41-91Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, Florbetapir, Florbetaben, FlutemetamolBIStaticxYesNoNobilateral agreement (available to centers contributing a minimum dataset of relevant data)
Network for Efficiency and Standardisation of Dementia Diagnosis (NEST-DD)1000HC, MCI, dementia50-80Glucose metabolismFDGBIStaticxYesYesNobilateral agreementcontact:
The European Dementia with Lewy bodies consortium (E-DLB)169DLB61-87Glucose metabolismFDGBIStaticxxYesYesNobilateral agreement (available to all centers contributing a minimum dataset of relevant data)
University Medical Centre - Ljubljana159HC, SCC, MCI, ADD49-89Glucose metabolism, Amyloid burdenFDG, FlorbetabenBIDynamicYesYesYesbilateral agreement contact:
AMYPAD DPMS (data sharing available beginning of 2023)844 SCD+, MCI, dementia>50 Amyloid burdenFlorbetaben, Flutemetamol BIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxtbdtbdYes tbd
AMYPAD PNHS (data sharing available beginning of 2023)1192 (expected: 1700)pre-dementia >50 Amyloid burdenFlorbetaben, Flutemetamol BIPartly Static/Partly DynamicxxxxxxxxtbdtbdYestbd

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    Other resources

    Other resources will be available soon, including databases of:

    • published studies on molecular connectivity
    • available tools to study molecular connectivity