
Upcoming Events

Registrations are now OPEN for the “What is brain connectivity?” symposium. The symposium aims to identify a common denominator in the definition of macroscale brain connectivity across fMRI, DWI, EEG, and molecular connectivity


What is brain connectivity?

9:00-13:00 CEST, May 3rd 2024

Free registration

TranslaTUM, Einsteinstraße 25, 81675 Munich, Germany and Streamed Live

The symposium is part of the event “Molecular Imaging of Brain Connectivity: towards standardized nomenclature

The MCWG also organizes free monthly online seminars on brain connectivity and molecular imaging (see below).

MCOS: Molecular Connectivity Online Series

Our online serie’s aim is to include the latest research findings from recently published papers on molecular connectivity. We will offer tutorials on methods and research resources for molecular connectivity estimation and we will discuss relevant findings in the field of brain connectivity that could aid study design and methodological development in the field of molecular connectivity.

The seminar will comprise a 30 minute presentation followed by discussion (~25 minutes).

Jan’24 MCOS001: Brain connectomics: Time for a molecular imaging perspective? A. Sala, Liège, Belgium.

Feb’24 MCOS002: Basic introduction to multivariate neuroimaging analysis – for nerds and novices C. Habeck, New York, United States.

Mar’24 MCOS003: NeuroMark PET: Towards a fully automated PET ICA pipeline V. Calhoun, Atlanta, United States.

Apr’24 MCOS004: The many faces of brain connectivity S. Eickhoff, Jülich, Germany. Cancelled

Past Events

PET for brain connectivity: back to the future?

May 28th, 2022
Glasgow, UK and Streamed Live

All talks of this event are available virtually here: Brain and Brain PET 2022 – Satellite Symposium

All materials of this OHBM 2021 symposium are available virtually here: OHBM 2021

OHBM membership, a previous registration to an OHBM conference or registration to the upcoming OHBM conference are required to access the materials.